Friday, 1 October 2010

PADS #35

The arguing between Elms and Rowlands was threatening to turn violent, at least by Elms who had started shouting and was leaning menacingly forward whilst Rowlands although holding his ground  had started to squeak.
‘They shared the same doctor.’ piped up Karen.
The confidential papers which had started the argument had been separated and spread round the rest of the group who had  ignored the escalating debate between Elms and Rowlands. They were busily examining the paperwork and furiously making notes, which they passed to Carter who continued tapping on his laptop.
‘And they were both members of the Praetorians.’ said Karen.
‘The what?’ queried Marina.
'Um, Praetorians a religious lot I guess, that's what's been entered for their religion it's all on the form.’ replied Karen.
Right, I've entered all the information onto the laptop and it’s also accessible from our web site.’ added Carter with a smirk as he tapped the keyboard and the room was plunged into darkness once more.
The projector screen flickered back into life and two columns displayed details of each man and their manner of death. Wyse was grateful for the sudden darkness and illumination which distracted him from having to ask Carter about the web site but also the effect upon the two arguing combatants which bought them to a sudden ceasefire. Although it seemed Elms had been dragged down by both Karen and Marina, whereas Rowlands had simply slumped down into his chair.
Carter resumed by reading aloud from the screen, ‘Our first victim Jack Perrin, aged eighty two.’
Carter leaned back into his chair casually tapping the laptop and split the screen into four displays. One contained the details of Jack Perrin and the adjacent square contained a still picture of the murder scene. The bottom two squares held a close up of Mr. Perrin, with bucket on his head in one and the final fourth square contained several bullet points which were magically filling in.

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