Tuesday, 28 September 2010

PADS #32

Carter however had already hit the button on the gizmo he had placed on the ping pong table and a projector screen unfurled itself from a recess in the ceiling which Wyse hadn’t noticed before. The screen successfully separated him and Elms from the rest of the group, who were still huddled around the ping pong table and the room was plunged into darkness, a projector light beamed upon the screen. Attempting to clamber around Elms and the now fully unfurled projector screen, Wyse could hear ohhs and ahhs emanating from those on the other side. Before he could say anything a rumbling noise, akin to the start of movies when they proudly demonstrate their latest noise system determined to at least annoy, if not actually wake the dead now joined the wondrous tones. Eventually managing to get past the screen he was momentarily taken aback by the display before him.
It was this morning’s murder scene.
A polite smattering of applause from the Society welcomed each new picture which appeared and disappeared before them with a rather intricate star fade which was making Wyse feel decidedly queasy. Stepping away to gain his balance he summoned the last of his strength and almost the meagre amount of food he had earlier consumed, to finally put an end to his dream but before he could say anything Carter breathed heavily,
 ‘and now the piece de rĂ©sistance.’
Several more starburst patterns exploded onto the screen followed by a video recording of the murder scene in full panorama. It was Wyse thought quite astonishing to see the room displayed on the screen, especially as it was quite a bit larger than he remembered, the gasps and awes increased as the video paused upon the victim lying in the room.
‘Is that a bucket on his head?’ asked Karen who was peeking through her fingers as she watched.
‘Yes.’ replied Elms who now stood next to Wyse and had taken the last few minutes quite in his stride.
‘What is going on? How did you get that video and will someone please stop that noise,’ said Wyse.

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