Tuesday, 21 September 2010

PADS #27

The Purple Plus Amateur Detective Society as they had named themselves, a name he had vehemently disagreed with. Unfortunately Carter had seized upon Wyse's call of nature during the argument to whip up a frenzy for the name and they would not be dissuaded upon his return, especially as his suggestion of the Paramedic Amateur Detective Society was described as somewhat boring. At least this was the only silver lining, it had invaded his dreams in the early days of the Society that when questioned by the world press, he would have to explain what PADS stood for.
Purple Plus, was an arcane term still used by the Ambulance Service, to describe those patients who had been dead for some time and beyond any resuscitation attempt, the reason why this term had been coined was yet another mystery lost in the mists of ambulance lore. Theories ranged from the purple colour of the post mortem staining, which decorated the dead and that the Ambulance Service did relish the opportunity to use code words whenever possible. Of course any such suggestion this was the reason was staunchly denied by the Ambulance Service, who insisted it was to protect the public. They would not be able to cope if they heard ambulance staff saying it was too late to do anything for the dead patient and it would damage public confidence, even if it were true.
The irony did not escape Wyse that his Society was now also guilty of its own namesake and was beyond any resuscitation attempt

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